August 30, 2012

Random Pregnancy Things...

This weekend is Labor Day weekend, and as I mentioned in a previous post, Matt and I will be going out to western Maryland to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. It has been so long since we've taken a vacation that we're really excited about this little 3-day jaunt. Since I won't be posting again until next week, I thought I'd throw together a list of random pregnancy-related things that you might find interesting, amusing, or just weird. Besides, who doesn't love a good bulleted list?
  • My belly hasn't really changed since last week, so I don't have an updated belly photo.
  • Matt was able to put his hand on my belly and feel the baby kick for the first time on Saturday.
  • The other day my Dad referred to the baby as Mr. Peanut, which is totally appropriate and made me chuckle. I couldn't help but picture the baby with a top hat and monocle.
  • I haven't had any cravings for weird foods or food combinations; I craved bagels early on, but the most consistent craving I've had has been for salad (who 'craves' salad when pregnant - why not chocolate?). I think my cravings are boring and need to step up their game.
  • Since I became pregnant, Oliver (one of our dogs) has changed the way he snuggles up to me on the couch. Before, he would lie down beside me and smush himself against my leg, but he wouldn't actually be on my lap. Now he sits his butt next to me but lays his head on my belly. He never did that before, but has done it pretty consistently since I've been pregnant. It could very well be a coincidence, but I have to wonder if he can hear (or just sense) that there's a baby in there.
  • My two pregnancy complaints right now are back pain and insomnia. The back pain is a combination of sciatic pain and muscle spasms in my lower back. The insomnia is frustrating because I haven't yet figured out the secret to sleeping more than a few hours a night. I can sleep just fine during the day, but they frown on that at work.
  • Two people at work were asked to take over my Curriculum and Instruction responsibilities while I'm out on maternity leave. They both declined. I can't say I blame them.
  • We still haven't decided on a name for the Peanut. Matt suggested Thor, but I said no.
I'll post again next week. Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone!


  1. Have so much fun on your trip!!! I'm sorry the back pain is still there; hopefully when the babe shifts positions you will get a little relief. LOVE that Mball could feel the baby kick :)
    Names: Willy Wallace? Just no "Moore Ball," right?
    Keep on keeping on, lady. Sounds like all is going well.

  2. Thor? I'm so glad that one of you had the good sense to say no!!!

  3. I think you definitely need to consider names that have more than one syllable. :) Have a BLAST on your trip!

  4. No Thor, no "Moore Ball" - and I agree about names with more than one syllable! But who knows where we'll end up. :)

  5. How about Brian Oscar Ball, then you can call him BOB for short and everyone will wonder how you got Bob from Brian... =) Jodi
