July 17, 2012

Whoa, belly...

I don't have a belly photo to share with you yet (soon, though!), but trust me when I say I'm starting to show. My pants have been tight in the waist for a while, but now if you see me in profile you can see a definite bump. I'm 14 weeks now, and from about 8 weeks on, by the end of the work day I would be tempted to unbutton and/or unzip my pants while driving home from work (and sometimes I did just that) because sitting was so uncomfortable because my pants were tighter. Up until very recently, in the morning I would wake up with a completely flat stomach, but as the day went on I would slowly but surely gain a belly and by the end of the day I'd be wondering where the heck that belly came from all of a sudden. At that point it was just due to bloating and water retention (lovely), but now I have to get used to the fact that a flat stomach will not be making an appearance again for a very long time (maybe not ever). It's an adjustment. So, before long I won't even fit into my old clothes (at least pants and skirts) and I'll have graduated to maternity clothes. BUT the cool part about all of the belly woes is that the peanut looks something like this.

Baby has made the transition from lemon-sized to orange-sized. Progress!

1 comment:

  1. You will be beautiful, even with a belly. When I was pregnant, I started wearing maternity clothes earlier than necessary, probably, only because I wanted people to know that I was pregnant and not just fat!
