July 30, 2012

16-Week Update

Well, I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and overall I've been feeling good. My belly seems to have a mind of its own; sometimes it's barely noticeable, and other times I look like I'm six months pregnant instead of four. I went shopping with my Mom over the weekend and got some maternity clothes, and I think the timing was right because I'm really starting to need them! My midwife said at my last prenatal visit that I probably wouldn't start showing until I was about 20 weeks along (because it's my first pregnancy and because of my pre-pregnancy size), but I had a strong feeling I'd prove her wrong. I know every woman starts showing at a different time, but I have to admit that I feel like I'm showing an awful lot more than I should be at 16 weeks. I haven't gained much weight yet, but I'm definitely expanding.

I'm working on putting together baby registries, and I've been asking friends and family members for recommendations on certain items. Now that my Neurobiology class is over I will have more time to focus on things like registering and working on the baby's room.

I'll post an updated belly photo in the next day or two, because it will look a bit different from last week's photo!

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