July 12, 2012

Wee Little Things

Christi surprised me at work a few weeks ago with some gifts for the baby (and one for me). She's ready and excited to be an aunt, and couldn't wait to buy some baby things, which was incredibly sweet of her. So the first baby things I received were very appropriate in that they are all Washington Capitals items. Anybody who knows me is well aware of my love for the Caps, and since Matt and I have been married he has become just as big a fanatic as I am. Here's a shot of what Christi got for the baby - newborn onesie, bib, and fuzzy slippers:

Little baby things are always so darn cute, aren't they? Christi also got me a Caps maternity shirt, which I will surely wear a lot this fall and winter.

We also got a onesie from Matt's parents, Bob and Pat, that they picked up for the Peanut while they were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in beautiful Hawaii.

So the little one will have a very cute keepsake from their trip. Oh, and see the fish on the onesie? That's the Hawaii state fish, which is called Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (I know, I can't pronounce it either). I figure Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is bound to be the baby's first word. If so, then he/she can teach me how to say it.


  1. OMG! Too cute for words!!Love the slippers.

  2. So appropriate for your peanut!

  3. Ha, ha! The end of this post made me laugh out loud, seriously. :) I LOVE the Caps stuff -- so incredibly appropriate for YOUR baby!
